Weeds? Who Would Know So Much!
The Rutgers weed tool, where you can browse by common names or by thumbnail photos (or by Latin names).
The University of Minnesota’s “Is This Plant a Weed?” tool is another place you can do research narrowing the field of possibilities until you get an ID by clicking through a series of photo-based prompts (such as grass or broadleaf….upright or creeping…and so on).
Steve Brill, the so-called “Wildman” forager who teaches in Central Park in New York City and elsewhere, has plant profiles of edible weeds on his website
The University of California-Davis weed ID site is encyclopedic.
With 172 species included, the University of Illinois has built an extensive weed database that’s browsable by common or Latin names, but with the added feature of filters (you can sort the list down to a certain flower color, for instance, or one of a series of very specific taxonomic keys, like leaf size, width, or the arrangement of the leaves.
“Weeds of the North Central States” is available as a PDF to “page” through.
Want to know which weeds are so bad they have made their names on the state-by-state “noxious weeds” lists?